April 30, 2018

Pay Per Click (PPC)

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PPC stands for Pay Per Click a model of internet marketing in which a advertiser pays a publisher when the ad is clicked.

PPC marketing can be done in two ways through

  • Facebook ads
  • google ads

These both are having different features with different targeting areas to reach your targeted customers.The back bone of PPC marketing is keywords.
April 24, 2018

Google Adwords

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Google Adwords is an advertising services by google for business to display ads on google. Google adwords enables business to set a budget for advertising and only pay when people clicks the ads. It is focused on keywords.

Google Ads has...

  • Search Ads
  • Display Ads
  • Video Ads

Search Ads

Advertise to people what they are most searched for product or services you offer 

Display Ads

Display ads on website or apps through banner or other ads formate made of text, images, flash etc

Video Ads

Connects with customer with video ads and you can post your video on youtube and your video will appear before or next to related videos or in search results.

April 22, 2018

Social Media Marketing

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Social Media Marketing refers to the process of gaining traffic or attention through social media sites, SMM is a part of on page SEO because of link building and the goal of SMM is to drive quality traffic to your sites, landing page and blog.

Social Media Marketing has two type;

  • Active SMM Promotion
  • Passive SMM Promotion

Active SMM Promotion means adding links which leads from the content on the website towards social networks

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Linked in
  • Youtube
  • Google+
  • Instagram
  • Pinterest
Passive SMM Promotion means promoting activites on social networks by updating status, publishing images, tweets and articles on blogs

April 20, 2018

Social Media Optimization

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SMO is a process of increasing the awareness of products, services and connect with customers, Social media just like search engine optimization the process of maximizing visitors to a website by archieving a top rank on search engines around specific keywords

In social media there are two important search engine you have to optimize for..

  • The search function within each social network
  • google search
April 17, 2018

What is Digital Marketing

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Digital Marketing means marketing a products through digital channels to reach consumers such as search engines, websites, social media, emails and mobile apps etc..

Best topics in Digital Marketing

  • Search engine optimization(SEO)
  • Social media marketing(SEM)
  • PPC
  • Content Marketing
  • Social media optimization(SMO)
  • Web analytics
  • Affiliate marketing 
April 16, 2018


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OFF PAGE it helps to makes your website popular on the internet, It helps to increase the site ranking. on_page SEO techniques can get visibility in search engines but off_page SEO techniques is used to improve a website position in search engine results page(SERP).


  • Social networking
  • Article submission 
  • Blog marketing
  • Directory submission
  • Link bulding
  • Backlinks(follow and dofollow link)

April 15, 2018


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                                                  ON PAGE OPTIMIZATION

            It is the practice of optimizing elements on a website. To rank higher rank and more relavent traffic from search engine.
            On page seo refers to content and HTML code of a web pages.

  • ·         Internal link
  • ·         Content
  • ·         Alt & title tag
  • ·         Keyword
  • ·         Header tag
  • ·         Meta descriptions

April 13, 2018

Digital Marketing

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SEO means Search Engine Optimization is the process of affecting the online visibility of a website or a web pages. SEO is a process of designing and developing a website to attain high rank in search engine results.

It has 
  •       onpage
  •        offpage
ON PAGE SEO : Needs good content, good keyword selection and good keywords and appropriate title to every page.

OFF PAGE SEO : It includes backlinks, Blogs and submitting open directories